As you probably know, construction is considered an essential business in California. Have you been wondering what builders can do to stop the spread of COVID-19? We’ve been doing our research. The United Contractor coronavirus resources are especially helpful. Check out the construction industry FAQ they posted.

Since March we’ve been taking preventative measures to protect our employees and customers from COVID-19. Luckily, almost all of our installation work happens outside so it’s naturally low-risk. Additionally, our employees are staying six feet apart and wearing PPE on the job.

builder wearing PPE to stop the spread of COVID-19


What can construction workers do about COVID-19?

At Sonoma Manufactured Homes, we trust our employees’ judgment. We’ve provided them with the information they need to make smart choices. Here is a list of recommendations we’ve made:

When should you Wash your Hands?

Handwashing is one of the most important things we can do to stop the spread. Our employees sanitize their hands before and after…

  • work shifts and breaks
  • blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • using the restroom
  • touching objects that have been handled by coworkers
  • putting on work gloves, masks, and safety glasses

What about Sonoma Manufactured Homes Display House Tours?

We’re pleased to say that our display yard is open for tours. However, we do not have staff on the premises. In addition to employee diligence, we are asking our visitors to do their part. When you arrive, you’ll find instructions on the front door of the display house. During your visit, we ask that you protect yourself and others. Please sanitize your hands and keep contact with surfaces to a minimum. We are cleaning the display houses routinely for your safety. Thank you for working with us to stop the spread of COVID-19. If you found this article useful, don’t hesitate to share it with your colleagues in the industry!